LogiPTC Get Fast Payout

Get Paid for Browsing the Internet with LogiPTC

Hi all, I found a New PTC that have different system.
So very much ads with toolbar that informs New site to browse, because there are no limits ads for every day. As much as ads You get, as fast as You get Paid.

Every ads have reach max number to view, so you must faster to get them.
And the most IMPORTANT is You must follow the instruction for every ads, because each ads have different instructions.
For Standard Ads worth $ 0.0025-$ 0.05
For Targeted Ads worth $ 0.01-$ 0.02
Minimum Payout is $ 5 only with PayPal.

Here is step by step to create account

Step 1

Click link here to signup free.....

Fill all info that required, like the pict bellow
Verified your e-mail

Step 2

After verification e-mail, click the link on e-mail.
You can login to Your account
Step 3

Find "Browse Site" then click it, you will see like picture below
Click every ads you'll see

Step 4

Wait the advertiser site loading.
For Standard ads, start to count until 10 second while site loading, after that you can leave or closed the tab/window
For Targeting ads, wait until you see advertisement on advertiser site then click one, Done.
See your stat on the left area

Step 5

If you want more get ads, it is simple. Get toolbar for yours, you will find more ads, because you will never know when the ads appears.

See my payment proof


Inke Maris said...

salam kenal,

Sy mau nanya tentang logiptc, apakah kita dpt mengklik 2 iklan sekaligus?
krn kan sistem cepat ..^^

Serba Bisnis said...

Salam kenal juga sis Inke Maris

Saya sarankan jangan, karena sistem di LogiPTC benar-benar ketat. Akun anda akan kena peringatan, bahkan mungkin bisa di suspend.
Untuk mendapatkan iklan instal aja langsung Toolbarnya, karena setiap ada iklan baru akan ditunjukkan oleh Toolbarnya. Dan yang paling penting adalah iklan tidak terbatas, walaupun kadang kosong.
Dengan adanya Toolbar lebih memudahkan.

Terima kasih


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